Tuesday, January 6, 2009

IRC.Sdbot Trojan

Click here to remove IRC.Sdbot malware
IRC.Sdbot description:
IRC.Sdbot Category:Trojan,Worm,Backdoor,RAT,DoS
This category includes a variety of Trojans that damage victim machines or
threaten data integrity, or impair the functioning of the victim machine.
Worms can be classified according to the propagation method they use,
i.e. how they deliver copies of themselves to new victim machines.
Worms can also be classified by installation method, launch method and finally according
to characteristics standard to all malware: polymorphism, stealth etc.

Many of the worms which managed to cause significant outbreaks use more then
one propagation method as well as more than one infection technique.
The methods are listed separately below.
Backdoors are the most dangerous type of Trojans and the most popular.
Backdoors open infected machines to external control via Internet.
They function in the same way as legal remote administration programs used by system administrators.
This makes them difficult to detect.

Backdoors are installed and launched without the consent of the user of computer.
Often the backdoor will not be visible in the log of active programs.

Once a backdoor has been successfully launched, the computer is wide open.
Backdoor functions can include:

  • Launching/ deleting files

  • Sending/ receiving files

  • Deleting data

  • Displaying notification

  • Rebooting the machine

  • Executing files

Backdoors are used by virus writers to detect and download confidential information,
execute malicious code, destroy data, include the machine in bot networks and so forth.
Backdoors combine the functionality of most other types of in one package.

Backdoors have one especially dangerous sub-class: variants that can propagate like worms.
Many trojans and backdoors now have remote administration capabilities
allowing an individual to control the victim's computer.
Many times a file called the server must be opened on the victim's computer before
the trojan can have access to it.

These are generally sent through email, P2P file sharing software,
and in internet downloads. They are usually disguised as a legitimate program or file.
Many server files will display a fake error message when opened, to make it seem like it didn't open.
Some will also kill antivirus and firewall software.

Some RAT trojans are pranks that are most likely being controlled by a friend or enemy on
April Fool's day or a holiday. Prank RATS are generally not harmful, and won't log keystrokes or hack.
They usually do whimsical things like flip the screen upside-down, open the CD-ROM tray,
and swap mouse buttons. However, they can be quite hard to remove.
DoS programs attack web servers by sending numerous requests to the specified server,
often causing it to crash under an excessive volume of requests.

Removing IRC.Sdbot:

you can run trial version of ExterminateIt, or remove IRC.Sdbot manually.

To completely manually remove IRC.Sdbot malware from your computer, you need to delete the Windows registry keys and registry values, the files and folders associated with IRC.Sdbot.

Also Be Aware of the Following Threats:
The.Saint Trojan Symptoms


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