Sunday, December 28, 2008

Incubus Trojan

Click here to remove Incubus malware
Incubus description:
Incubus Category:Trojan,Backdoor,Downloader,DoS
This category includes a variety of Trojans that damage victim machines or
threaten data integrity, or impair the functioning of the victim machine.
Backdoors combine the functionality of most other types of in one package.
Backdoors have one especially dangerous sub-class: variants that can propagate like worms.

The downloader either launches the new malware or registers it to enable autorun
according to the local operating system requirements.
These programs attack web servers by sending numerous requests to the specified server,
often causing it to crash under an excessive volume of requests.

DoS trojans conduct such attacks from a single computer with the consent of the user.

Worms can carry a DoS procedure as part of their payload.

Removing Incubus:

you can run trial version of ExterminateIt, or remove Incubus manually.

To completely manually remove Incubus malware from your computer, you need to delete the Windows registry keys and registry values, the files and folders associated with Incubus.

Also Be Aware of the Following Threats:
PWS.Algus Trojan Information
Remove Pigeon.AVDX Trojan
ep Trojan Information


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